Parish Groups

 We have many friendly and active groups in our parish and all would love to welcome new members.

Action for Life (AFL)

A Parish based Pro life group. Contact the Parish Office on 5144 4100. AFL supports and promotes family, life and marriage in accord with that taught by the Catholic Magisterium.

Altar Servers:

Young people Grade 4 to 18 years Contact Fr Aneesh George, Parish Office 5144 4100

Baptism Preparation Group:

Several people assist our Parish Secretary, Clare in this important work. There is a Preparation gathering each month. Contact Clare O’Brien at the parish office, 5144 4100.

Bereavement Team:

This group assists families in their difficult times with vigil prayers, catering and on going support. More help is always needed. Please contact Brenda Burditt, 5144 1995.

Catechist  Group:

This group offers Religious Education and prepares children for Sacraments. Contact Jennifer Fitzgerald, at the Parish Office 5144 4100.

Cathedral Choir:

The Cathedral Choir meets most Tuesday evenings for practice from 7.30pm. Choir Leader is Michele. If you have musical or singing skills please contact the parish office to express your interest on 5144 4100.

Family Groups:

The Passionist ‘Family Groups’ movement is in our parish. We have five family Groups and new families and individuals are always welcome to join. Contact our coordinator Veronica Stewart Mobile 0429 911 139

Filipino Singing Group: ( The Bayanihan Circle)

The Filipino singing Group leads the singing at various Masses throughout the year. Contact the Parish Office on 5144 4100.

First Sunday Cuppa:

Held on the 1st Sunday of each month, to provide a cuppa after Mass for fellow Parishioners. If you would like to volunteer to prepare and serve, add your name to the roster by contacting Veronica Barnes at the Parish Office 5144 4100.


If you would like to volunteer to assist with gardening/ maintenance in the Cathedral’s lovely grounds, contact John Dykun on 0413 947 352.

Ladies Dinner Club:

This group meets each month in a social setting. Please contact Anna Allen on 5144 3087.

Legion of Mary:

The Legion meets each Wednesday for prayer and to co-ordinate their good works, especially visiting in the parish and the hospital. For information, contact the Parish Office on 5144 4100.

Marriage Preparation: Generally all couples are expected to do some marriage preparation and the Marriage Education course is a great way to do so. Contact Catholic Care Gippsland, 19 Connor Street, Warragul. Phone 5622 1188.


The MenALIVE Group is a group of Catholic men who meet on Thursday at10.15 a.m. at the Redd Catt Café in Raymond Street, Sale.All men are welcome for friendship and faith.
Contact Lindsay Broughton through the Parish Office on 5144 4100.

Hostel and Nursing Homes Outreach:

Mass is celebrated at Ashleigh House most weeks. Monthly Masses are held Wilson Lodge, Royal Freemasons and Sale Gardens. Our Communion ministers visit these places and many people in their homes each fortnight. For more information contact: Fr Francis Otobo on 5144 4100.


The cathedral organ is available for liturgical use at all times. Please contact Julie Peavey on: 5144 3838.

Parish Cells of Evangelisation:

These groups meet weekly in a faith sharing and gospel discussion setting. Cells’ leaders include Rosemary Webster, 5144 4888 and Margaret Goss, 5144 2154.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):

This is an information and preparation course for adults interested in finding our more about the Catholic faith or thinking about becoming a Catholic. Contact: Fr Francis Otobo on 5144 4100.


Readers, commentators, communion ministers, offertory procession people are always needed. Please contact the parish office on 5144 4100 to have your name added to the list.

Sacramental Team:

This group helps children and their families prepare for the sacraments of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation. For more information contact our Coordinator: Mrs. Jennifer Fitzgerald, at the Parish Office 5144 4100.

Serra Club:

Serra promotes vocations to the priesthood and religious life. There is a Mass and dinner meeting monthly. Contact Brenda Burditt, President, at the Parish Office on 5144 4100.

St Vincent De Paul Conference, Sale:

The St Vincent de Paul Society exists to help those who need a hand when they can’t get by on their own resources. The president is Vin Claxton.  Contact St Vincent de Paul Welfare  Sale on Phone 5144 5150


The Teams for married spirituality group  is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church, designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better.
In Sale contact Colin and Nelly Coomber, 5144 4251 and at Rosedale, Geraldine and Tony Smith are the contacts, 5199 2543