13/14th May 2017
This weekend especially and indeed at all times we the Cathedral Parish of Sale give thanks for the gift of Mothers.
We acknowledge your warmth, your sacrifices, your wise counsel, your love faith and prayers constantly guiding our direction in life. We look on your with love and gratitude for your strength and gentleness in our lives.
We know the Lord blesses you generously as you set about the journey with your new born sons and daughters, bonding and securing their hearts through baptism, to walk with God.
We know that like Mary the Mother of God, our Mothers shed silent tears when their children endure hardships, and rejoice in their children(s) happiness.
We know there is no Joy like the joy in a mother’s heart for her newly born child, and no greater pain when their children suffer in any way.
We know that through the ministry of Motherhood the Lord increases the joy and exultation of the Church by enriching it with new children
Blessing over all Mothers prayer...
May God, the source of all life, protect you by his goodness.
May he deepen your faith, build up your hope, and constantly increase the gift of his love in you.
May the Lord be attentive to your prayers and strengthen you with his grace.
And may almighty God bless you all
The Father, and the Son,+ and the Holy Spirit.
Love and Peace from us all at St Mary’s Cathedral Parish, Sale
Dean Peter