COVID-19 Restrictions

The Bishops of the Province of Victoria have given this prayerful and considered reflection, and have determined the following actions: • Immediate suspension of public liturgies, celebrations of the Mass, until further notice. • All other gatherings are suspended. For clarification of any concerns, please contact your local diocesan authority. For further information, please read … [Read more…]

Cancellation – Child Safe Training sessions

Due to extenuating circumstances with respect to the COVID-19, the Bishop has requested that the remaining Child Safe Training sessions scheduled for March and April to be postponed to a later time this year. . The remaining sessions affected are: Bairnsdale – Sat 21st March 2020 Pakenham – Sat 21st March 2020 Morwell – Sat … [Read more…]


1 – 2 February 2020 Simeon’s words after holding the saviour in his arms as he was presented in the temple were ‘Now Master you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light … [Read more…]


Dear colleagues in Ministry. We are writing to all Clergy from our respective Dioceses to invite you and your people to join with us in a Lenten Conversation at The Abbey, Raymond Island, on Friday 21 February 2020 from 10am till 3.30pm. We were much encouraged by the response to our previous joint initiative in … [Read more…]

Christmas Message

Christmas Message 2019 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, every year has its mixture of good and bad. Every year has its various successes and failures. Each year has its number of unexpected and unnerving events, as well as its deep joys and successes. 2019 is no different. For many it has been a tough … [Read more…]


31 August – 1 September 2019 CONGRATULATIONS JITHIN ANTO, CONFIDENCE MASVOSVA and PAUL ZAHAR ORDAINED DEACONS 31 AUGUST 2019 ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL – SALE Deacons enjoy a special relationship with the Bishop. They serve as he directs. This may be in a parish, or anywhere the Bishop discerns a need. Deacons are called to carry … [Read more…]

Shalom – The Gift of Peace

During the Last Supper Jesus said to the apostles, ‘Peace I leave with you, my own peace I give to you. A peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. So, do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.’ You will agree with me, these are indeed beautiful words. I wonder … [Read more…]