Child Protection Sunday

9th/10th September, 2017 Matthew 18: 15-20 Throughout this past week ( 3-9 Sept), National Child Protection Week has invited all Australians to play their part to promote the safety and well-being of young people. This week, now its 27th year, supports and encourages the safety and well-being of Australian children and families. This year the … [Read more…]

Finding our real selves – The real Peter

26th/27th August, 2017 Matthew 16: 13-20 Peter’s Profession of faith This Gospel shows that the primacy of Peter was not something that was invented by the Church later on. It went right back to the beginning, to the mind and will of Christ himself. His position as the leader of the Twelve is shown in … [Read more…]


19th/20th August, 2017 (Matthew 15:21-28) This Gospel story is a strange one, one that all of us are familiar with. An encounter with a beggar, True this Canaanite woman was not begging for money. But she was begging for a favour. At one time or another all of us have been approached by a beggar … [Read more…]

“SHARING OUR TREASURE” Matthew 13, 44-52.

12th/13th August, 2017 This was the Gospel Reading of a couple of Sunday’s ago and most apt for this weekend’s sign up day as you generously gift your considered weekly contribution supporting your Church, parish and priests. An exercise in evaluating in the course of time, that which you deem as most valuable to you … [Read more…]

WISDOM -Matthew 13: 44-52

29th/ 30th July 2017 Wisdom is a priceless thing and is something we all need. Search Since the beginning of time people have been looking for treasure, they search in the fields, in the hills, under the sea….if only they could find gold or diamonds or pearls they would be happy. In today’s world, people … [Read more…]

Youth Survey

17th/18th June 2017 Young people across Australia are being called to share their views about life, faith and their experience of Church through an online survey published by the Australian Bishops. The survey seeks to capture the opinions and perspectives of young people as part of a national consultation process that will inform an international … [Read more…]


27th/28th May 2017 The combined churches of Sale region have come together and are seeking from their congregations donations in support of “Martha”. We have been moved by her story and hope you might be too. Martha and her three primary school children and husband are a young family who came by boat originally from … [Read more…]


My invitation is for parishioners to gather at 12.00 Noon Monday to Friday in the Cathedral to say the rosary – to pray for sinners and for world peace. Let us accept Our Lady’s invitation to pray the rosary every day for peace in the world and to end the wars around the world. Should … [Read more…]


On Wednesday 10th May 2017, Sale Diocese Foundation Day, there will be an opportunity to gather in St Mary’s Cathedral for a Mass at 11.00am, to give thanks for 130 years of the Sale Diocese for all that has been and for the many graces that will continue to bring blessings to our diocese.