The Wedding Feast – Ways of responding

14th / 15th October, 2017 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time You are giving a party! You have fixed the date, you have drawn up your list of people you would invite, you send out your invitations with RSVP and now wait for responses. There are three kind of responses. 1) Some accept your invitation every … [Read more…]

“I dreamed that I went to Heaven…”

7th / 8th October, 2017 It’s a new day and a new week, so begin by thanking the Almighty God for all the blessings you have received. This was received from a friend. Fr Peter. “I dreamed that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large … [Read more…]

Giving one’s word – Matthew 2:28-32

30th September / 1st October, 2017 One of the great things we can give another person is our word. It’s easy to give our word. It doesn’t cost anything, the cost comes later, if and when we honour our word. Some people are very generous with their word. They will promise you the sun, moon … [Read more…]

23rd/24th September, 2017

Social Justice Sunday – Chairman’s Message On behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, I present the 2017-2018 Social Justice Statement, Everyone’s Business: Developing an inclusive and sustainable economy . This Statement is inspired by the teachings of Jesus and by the unswerving vision of Pope Francis: that the most vulnerable and excluded are the ones … [Read more…]

Child Protection Sunday

9th/10th September, 2017 Matthew 18: 15-20 Throughout this past week ( 3-9 Sept), National Child Protection Week has invited all Australians to play their part to promote the safety and well-being of young people. This week, now its 27th year, supports and encourages the safety and well-being of Australian children and families. This year the … [Read more…]

Finding our real selves – The real Peter

26th/27th August, 2017 Matthew 16: 13-20 Peter’s Profession of faith This Gospel shows that the primacy of Peter was not something that was invented by the Church later on. It went right back to the beginning, to the mind and will of Christ himself. His position as the leader of the Twelve is shown in … [Read more…]


19th/20th August, 2017 (Matthew 15:21-28) This Gospel story is a strange one, one that all of us are familiar with. An encounter with a beggar, True this Canaanite woman was not begging for money. But she was begging for a favour. At one time or another all of us have been approached by a beggar … [Read more…]

“SHARING OUR TREASURE” Matthew 13, 44-52.

12th/13th August, 2017 This was the Gospel Reading of a couple of Sunday’s ago and most apt for this weekend’s sign up day as you generously gift your considered weekly contribution supporting your Church, parish and priests. An exercise in evaluating in the course of time, that which you deem as most valuable to you … [Read more…]