We can face anything, endure anything, as long as we know or believe it will not last for ever, and that something better will happen. For example, people will face a long, painful operation if they believe it will make them well again.
What this underlines is the importance of hope. Hope is as necessary for the spirit as food is for the body.
Easter provides an enormous injection of Hope for the human spirit. We know how much it is needed. There is a lot of tragedy in life. Good things are destroyed. Good people are cut down: Thomas More, Oscar Romero…Jesus, he too was cut down. But he rose again. Jesus rose as a sign to those who loved him and followed him that God’s love is stronger than death.
At Easter we still feel the pain of the world, the pain in our families and among our friends and the pain in our own hearts. But a new element has been introduced into our lives. It doesn’t remove the pain but it gives it meaning. It lights it up with hope. All is different because Jesus is alive and speaks his words of peace to us as he spoke them to the apostles.
Faith in the resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our hope of eternal life, a hope which enables us to bear patiently the trials of life.
Therefore, there is a quiet joy among us and a deep sense of peace because we know that life is stronger than death, love is stronger than fear.
With these things in mind this Easter welcome the opportunity to renew our belief in the light of Christ, and through the renewal of our Baptismal promises commit ourselves to follow it more faithfully. This after all, is what we promised at baptism when this precious light was first kindled in our hearts.
Wishing you all the holiest of Easters and the gift of light, the Light of Christ in all of our hearts.
Hope and Holy Easter to all
Travel safely
Dean Peter, Fr Solomon, Stanly, Kath, Jen, Veronica, Miriam