Pentecost Sunday

How are you coping with Coronavirus Covid-19?

From 11.59pm on 31 May 2020 restrictions on gatherings at places of worship and ceremonies will be eased:
Places of worship can open for private worship or small ceremonies for up to 20 people.
The strict conditions are these:

  • Clear signage around service schedules,
  • Social distancing and hygiene requirements,
  • Availability of sanitiser and disinfectant wipes and safe disposal sites;
  • Churches to be cleaned after every scheduled service or opening;
  • Maintenance of 1.5m of separation and planned entry and exit pathways
  • All attendees to provide contact details

The Dioceses throughout Victoria share these guidelines – every parish is seeking to keep to these directions, as you will experience here when entering the Cathedral and our Churches.
It is pleasing to see the number of parishioners attending daily Mass either the 9.00am or 11.00am is on the increase. Fr Edwin, myself and Deacon Jithin are delighted to experience face to face attenders. Remember – no Masses on Mondays. Masses on Tuesday to Friday, all masses are able to have increases from 10 to 20 per Mass this is over and above two readers, altar servers, musicians and singers. What a marvellous opportunity from here on, for parishioners to generously step forward using their gifts of reading, singing, music playing, helping enrich the beautiful prayer of our daily Mass and our Sunday Masses. We would love to hear from you in this regard, you have our phone numbers or – you can contact Clare in the parish office 5144 4100. Mondays and Fridays.

For the weekend Masses I have corrected the Saturday and Sunday evening timetable as we return to 5.30pm for both and 9.30am for Sunday Morning. Please do not hesitate to phone Clare at the Parish Office 5144 4100 any Monday and Friday to book in your desired time.


Many witnessed last Monday 25th May, on the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Archbishop Pat was installed as the ninth Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide. The installation took place in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, with only a few people able to be present. Although saddened we are, we are not surprised at his elevation and remain confident this Good Shepherd will serve the Archdiocese of Adelaide as he did here with marvellous generosity, deep spirituality and great pastoral warmth.


We are pleased to announce the College of Consultors met yesterday, Fr Peter Slater, Parish Priest Warragul-Drouin was elected to be our Diocesan Administrator to guide and direct our diocese throughout the interim period in which we await the appointment of the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Sale. This is Fr Peter’s third time – elected to this position – we are confident that as before he will lead us very well. Please pray for him.
With every kind wish
Dean Peter