14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A 5 July 2020
“I am gentle and humble of heart.”
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Something to Think About
Do you sometimes feel worried about things? Do you sometimes feel tired or frustrated
and just need a rest? In today’s gospel we learn that we can give our worries to Jesus and
Jesus will give us rest and peace.
The Story
In today’s gospel story from Matthew, Jesus makes a clear delineation between ‘wise and educated people’ and ‘ordinary people’ (in other translations ‘mere children’).The first group probably refers to the Pharisees and others who rejected the messages of both John the Baptist and Jesus. ‘Ordinary people’ seems to refer to both those who are ‘child-like’ in their understanding (the disciples) as well as to children themselves.
The key message of today’s gospel is: do not worry, for Jesus is gentle and humble and will give us rest.
The Scriptures
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 11:27-30
On one occasion Jesus said:
“The only one who truly knows the Father is the Son.
But the Son wants to tell others about the Father,
so that they can know him too.
If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens,
come to me and I will give you rest.
Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me.
I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest.
This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.”
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Family Discussion
The Pharisees were supposed to teach the people about God and his Kingdom. But what does Jesus say about the Pharisees?
Who does Jesus invite to come to him?
The Pharisees were harsh teachers. They told the people to do things even God hadn’t asked them to do. It was like they made them carry a heavy load that made them tired.
Jesus invites people to come and learn from him. What sort of a teacher is Jesus?
Jesus wants to teach us to be God’s friend and then to live God’s way. How do you become a friend of God’s?
What are some of the things Jesus teaches us about living God’s way?
Family Activity
You will need ribbon or string, a small and a large rock (or small and large book).
Using the ribbon or string tie the right wrist of one person to the left wrist of another person. Do not make it tight. “Ok, now that you are tied together, let’s see what you can do.
Try waving together.
Now try clapping!
Try writing in the air (or have a pen and paper for them to try).
Can you pick up this rock together? (Have a small rock and a large rock;
see which one is easier to pick up)
“What is it like being yoked together?
What is hard about it?
What is fun about it?”
Make sure everyone in the family has a go..