Third Sunday of Lent, Year C – 23 – 24 March 2019
Take a Risk
Taking an exercise from the Lenten book for our own personal journey with these exercises for week 3 of Lent.
“Lent is a time to be proactive, both within ourselves and in the world around us.
At the half-way point in our Lenten journey, it is good to reflect upon why we choose to live differently at this time of year. We give alms, we go without things.
What prompts us to do this? Why does it matter?
What difference does going without make? Do I use the space this makes to focus my attention upon my relationship with God?
What would it be like to carry some of this intention into the rest of the year? Why would or wouldn’t I be willing to do it?
God’s constant offering to us is unfathomable mercy and compassion. It is transformative when we allow it in, and when we offer it to others.
Take a risk – is there something or someone that is really challenging your ability to respond with care and compassion? Look for creative options to give some time and attention to it/them.
Take a risk – invite others to share times of transformation in their own lives. Listen with the intention of affirming them and encouraging them on their journey.
Take a risk – thank anyone who provides a service for what they do – shopkeepers;teachers;children;parents;doctors. Either do it at the time, or write them a note of thanks.
Take a risk – do something a little bit outside your comfort zone for someone else.
Take a risk – introduce yourself to someone you don’t know with the intention of getting to know them and making them feel welcome.
Take a risk – forgive someone who has hurt you.
Take a risk – ask someone you have hurt to forgive you and make amends.”
These are worthy exercises and challenges, all for the right reason, during our Lenten journey.
I encourage you to give these challenges a try – TAKE A RISK
Kind wishes to one and all
Dean Peter